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Athletico Easthamico 9:35 Fri May 26
Kelechi Iheanacho about to sign?
Kelechi Iheanacho will undergo a medical tomorrow with English Premier League side West Ham after Manchester City accepted a bid of £24m for his transfer to the hammers.

The price West Ham are paying for his services makes him the most expensive Nigerian player as his fee eclipsed the 20 million pounds Chanchung Yatai paid for Odion Ighalo for his transfer from Watford.

Iheanacho will team up with West Ham on a permanent deal, with Manchester City having the option of buying him back after two years ‎according to reports gathered by Owngoalnigeria.com editorial team.

The 20 year old lost his spot at Manchester City following the arrival of Gabriel Jesus, who pushed him further down the pecking order leading to the forward missing out on some of the matchday squad of manager Pep Guardiola.

His move will be officially announced tomorrow after a medical which will take place in France, where he is on duty with the Super Eagles of Nigeria for the games against Corsica and Togo.

Daniel Martins

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

pdbis 2:25 Tue Jul 11
Re: Kelechi Iheanacho about to sign?
Can't see Spurs accepting a buy back clause.

The Stoat 12:26 Tue Jul 11
Re: Kelechi Iheanacho about to sign?
Spurs want him now


, 8:17 Mon Jul 10
Re: Kelechi Iheanacho about to sign?
Leicester forward spending their Mahrez fee.

Willtell 8:16 Mon Jul 10
Re: Kelechi Iheanacho about to sign?
Well OK then but if you were a 20 year old waiting for a chance at Man City why would you go to Leicester where they have an automatic first choice striker in Vardy that isn't going anywhere soon...

DJH 8:14 Mon Jul 10
Re: Kelechi Iheanacho about to sign?
Sorry that should have read Man City fan.

DJH 8:11 Mon Jul 10
Re: Kelechi Iheanacho about to sign?

I have been speaking to a Leicester fan regularly who said weeks ago Leicester were his preferred club to but there complications with any deal for them so he felt we were favourites.

He has since said he understood that Billic did lose interest when he was aware from talking to Zabaleta that the player would rather go to Leicester first, it seems we are spinning it that we turned him down rather than the other way round for some reason.

longford 7:48 Mon Jul 10
Re: Kelechi Iheanacho about to sign?

Bilic "so pablo, what you think of Kelach,

Zab "no guv he's shit

Bilic .. "ok great

Willtell ..., looks a bit unlikely dont you think

dealcanvey 7:06 Mon Jul 10
Re: Kelechi Iheanacho about to sign?
SSN saying deal in place for him to join Leicester

Willtell 10:28 Sat Jul 8
Re: Kelechi Iheanacho about to sign?
Oh btw, I heard that Zabaleta spoke to Bilic about Iheanacho and that was what made him reject the purchase...

Willtell 9:51 Sat Jul 8
Re: Kelechi Iheanacho about to sign?
I have little doubt that DS is trying to get some striker deals sorted out. I think he does try to get cheap deals too much but on the other hand, anyone that automatically pays the asking price will get stuffed by the market so I don't think that is t he problem.

What is a problem is the expectation levels stirred up by stupid gobbing off in the media mainly by DS and his boys which seems to have been corrected partially. And then C&H run their stupid stories blaming Bilic for not signing Iheanacho which can only have come from either DG or DS...

The amounts spent don't concern me either because that is not a measure of how successful a player might be. The quality of player is what matters and how they fit into the team. That is my biggest worry. DS and Tony Henry seem to be more successful at picking players than the manager does yet he still holds sway on who we sign.

And if the club can save money and get a profit making, debt paying season under their belts while finishing top 10, then it improves our prospects and our future ability to sign better players. Even with the 2 Bobs running WH....

Private Dancer 3:18 Sat Jul 8
Re: Kelechi Iheanacho about to sign?
Pagey - Has there ever actually been a 'replacement' bought anywhere in football? No two players are exactly the same. You have used the loose meaning of the word 'replacement' in football terms to suit your argument. You think the only way to replace a player is by buying another equally as good, or better? Not true. You can buy a poorer 'replacement' it happens all the time in football.

Fact is had we not sold Payet we would NOT have bought Snodgrass. We bought him a week or 2 after Payet left, they both play in pretty much the same position. So by all intents and purposes Snodgrass WAS a 'replacement' for Payet.

Crassus 3:10 Sat Jul 8
Re: Kelechi Iheanacho about to sign?

I hear you mate and agree on almost all of that

The bit that gets me is encapsulated in my mind by something I once said to our now CEO with reference to a work issue - I don't mind being called a cunt but if anyone takes me for a cunt then there will be grief - not exactly modern corporate speak granted, but he got the point and I suspect that the owners will do too very soon with the supporters, as they have done both, repeatedly....

Pagey 2:33 Sat Jul 8
Re: Kelechi Iheanacho about to sign?
*Judge them

Pagey 2:32 Sat Jul 8
Re: Kelechi Iheanacho about to sign?

I totally agree and there is plenty to moan about. If they fail to step up to the plate this summer and bring in some quality then massive questions have to be asked and rightly so. The trouble is that in us fans they have some of the most outstanding but blindingly loyal fans in the world and can take the piss at times.

However, I can't stand the additional bullshit like us screwing up the signing of Lacazette (it was never going to happen) and supposedly replacing Payet with Snodgrass (of course we didn't).

As for the grammar correction, I actually hate that myself but desperate times call for desperate measures!

I probably do give the owners more slack than they deserve but this summer is huge and I'll just them come the start of the season. Admittedly, the longer we go with nothing solid in place, the more worrying it gets.

Crassus 2:22 Sat Jul 8
Re: Kelechi Iheanacho about to sign?

Yeah I get that but whilst you are trottong down the grammatically semantic route some of us are concerned about the recruitment policy leading to being up shit creek without a paddle, whilst having been evicted from home scenario

Now look, it's pushing on Friday evening but your previous posts suggest to me that you are a bright enough bloke to acknowledge that there are and have been some thunderous bollock dropping capers and moreover, the owners, whilst entitled to do as they wish, lured the gullible and the half witted into accepting a stadium move upon a pretext that they have not and seemingly can not deliver upon

So, just as the owners perogative is to do as they wish, it is ours to have a full on moan up about the same

Pagey 2:17 Sat Jul 8
Re: Kelechi Iheanacho about to sign?

Pagey 2:16 Sat Jul 8
Re: Kelechi Iheanacho about to sign?

As in, Pagey YOU ARE a cunt.

normannomates 2:12 Sat Jul 8
Re: Kelechi Iheanacho about to sign?
Your a cunt...but a persistent one ..so I bid you goodnight

Pagey 2:03 Sat Jul 8
Re: Kelechi Iheanacho about to sign?

normannomates 2:02 Sat Jul 8
Re: Kelechi Iheanacho about to sign?
Pagey 1.26
Your spouting bollocks again

Sydney_Iron 1:59 Sat Jul 8
Re: Kelechi Iheanacho about to sign?
Pagey 1:06 Sat Jul 8

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